the wedding yet.
after much hassles and troubles,today is THE day we settled our marriage registration at Registry of Muslim Marriages.
Went to ROMM at Fort Canning together with dad,mum and fiance.
sent our application onlie via e-kiosk provided there and then proceeded to meet with the officers to delcare and verify official documents needed for the registration.
Booked and confirmed the time of the solemnization and the Kadi (dia tinggal dekat je dengan rumah, leh lah ajak minum kopi esok2..LOL)
There was even an interview session at the end, where after the Wali was interviewed by the ustaz there, individually, the bride and groom-to-be were asked to go into a room and were "interviewed" by the ustaz.
Honestly, I was quite nervous, "interview??sorang2?entah ape plak dia nak tanye ni?adoi"
In the room, after the interview, we were then asked to officially swear that we are ready for the wedding and the given information are all true.
Dah keluar je dari bilik interview tu...masing2 senyum lebar je...bukan ape..lega sangat.Everything is settled.
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our Q-number..anxiously waiting! |
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